60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Our satisfaction guarantee policy starts 60 days after orders are post-marked as delivered.  GlasSkin™ would not be able to offer a refund or exchange for orders that have exceeded the 60 day period.

Refunds & Exchanges
To be eligible for a refund or exchange, contact our support team at support@glasskinco.us within 60 days of receiving your order and return the product. Upon receipt, a refund will be issued for the full purchase price of your item.

Lost or Stolen Packages
GlasSkin™ is not responsible for lost or stolen packages confirmed to be delivered to the address entered for an order. Upon inquiry,  GlasSkin™ will confirm the delivery to the address provided, date of delivery, tracking information, and shipping carrier information for investigation. Please ensure correct delivery address, GlasSkin™ does not assume responsibility for packages delivered to the incorrect address.